Inlaks India Foundation
Confidentiality Agreement for Selectors & Interviewers
I understand that the information provided to me in relation to my role as a selector,
interviewer or other data processor for the Inlaks Scholarships is confidential.
I shall only use this information (which includes, without limitation, personal data of
applicants, their referees and recommenders, fellow selectors and interviewers, the identity of
successful candidates and previous Inlaks Scholars), for the purposes for which it was
provided to me, i.e., to undertake processing of the applications I have been provided to
determine eligibility and appropriateness of the candidature of the applicants for grant of the
Inlaks Scholarship.
I shall not disclose any of the aforementioned information to any third party without the prior
written consent of the Inlaks India Foundation.
I undertake to ensure that any information and written materials provided to me are kept safe,
secure and confidential for the duration that they are in my possession.
I undertake to either return this information and all written materials to an appropriate
member of the staff of the Inlaks India Foundation or to destroy them, and any notes or
written records I have created derived from or in relation to them, in their entirely when I
have completed the task requested of me. Any information I save locally or print out will be
destroyed as soon as it is no longer needed. I shall not retain a copy of any of this aforesaid
information after the relevant task assigned to me has been completed.